Blossom Blast Saga Level 1061 Gameplay Video

Blossom Blast Saga Level 1061
Blossom Blast Saga Level 1061 Notes

Goal: Get 85000 points in 20 moves

Obstacles and Helpers: 3 Snails, 2 crows, walls, slime and buckets

Tips for Blossom Blast Saga Level 1061
  • Keep making super blooms with the side flowers
General Points Level Tips
  • For each chain you make you get the point value of the flowers in the chain times 10.. so a chain of 3 flowers 2 points each would score 60
  • When you bloom (blow up) the first flower you get 100 points and then for every flower that chain blooms (blows up because another flower blew up beside it) gives you the previous bloom value plus 10.. so if 3 flowers bloom (blow up) its 100+110+120 plus the point value of the flowers in the original chain
  • Try to end your chain with a bloom near other flowers that are ready to bloom.. the flower blooming at the end of the chain in addition to these flower blooming could case other smaller flowers to bloom
  • If you bloom next to a 5 point flower and a 7 point flower that is also next to the 5 point flower both will bloom.. both will increase by 3 points from being blown up beside and so the 5 point flower will become an 8 point flower and the 7 will bloom causing the now 8 point flower to go over the 9 point limit and bloom
  • Watch you meter. You only need 10 flower points to do a regular bloom. Lets say you have 4 same color flowers point values 2 5 7 7 if you do them all in one chain its (2+5+7+7=21 * 10 =210 + 100 for blooming that's a total of 310.. if you only used 3 flowers to do the bloom you would have gotten more points (350) by allowing the last flower to chain blow up and the 2 of them together could have caused more flowers to bloom. Unless you can do a Super Bloom which takes 37 flower points
  • Super Bloom will give you the most points.. the value of the flowers in the chain increases and is no longer just 10 and they destroy objects near them and increase the immediate surrounding flowers by 6 and the flowers around them by 3 usually causing everything to bloom giving mass points
  • Flowers will slide down before a bloom occurs so be careful if chaining from the bottom as the flowers you were trying to bloom beside may slide out of the blast zone
  • Removing flower pots, gophers, slime and crows are 500 points each.. nothing for just hitting them
  • Letting 500 point object spread then hitting with a Super Bloom gets a lot of points
  • Gophers will not cross leaves
  • Putting leaves in front of a crow will stop it from eating
  • Try to end chains beside 2 objects to hit both 2 times
  • Don't waste large flowers on blooming a regular bloom when you have enough flower points to blow them up.. Save them for chain blooms

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